
Shadow, or no?

On February 2, 2019 good ol' Punxatawny Phil did not see his shadow. And for those of you keeping score at home, it's only the 10th time in 123 recorded instance he did not see his shadow. So will we have an early spring, as legend suggests we will? According to this USA Today story, Punxatawny Phil doesn't have a very stellar track record.

Yet for those of us that don't care for…

5 Years = 33%

Time really is flying by in our household. And I imagine many of you are experiencing the same phenomenon. Only it's not a phenomenon. This is what happens. Time waits for no man or woman. It just keeps going.

So today I want to talk about the importance of saving, and the impact of delaying our long term savings. We never really feel this impact, but it happens silently. And it happens over time. Oh yeah, and it's real.

Gearing Up For The Next Market Crash

I recently received an email from a colleague. In his email he asked if I was ready for the impending market crash (his words, not mine). Perhaps not ironically, he sent this email just before history was made on August 22, 2018. This date marked when the bull market that started roaring after the Global Financial Crisis became the longest running in US history.

In addition to my colleague's inquiry, I've been asked many times this year (and years prior), about the "impending market crash." My answer was and remains the same. Here it is:

Every Cloud Has a Silver Lining

The past few weeks have had me thinking a lot, and worrying a bit too. I'm a bit of a weather geek and the barrage of hurricanes in the Atlantic has been both amazing and horrifying. Hurricane Harvey and the impacts on Texas, Hurricanes Irma and Maria and the destruction in the Caribbean Islands and Florida. Even the 16th anniversary of 9/11. These events have all been dramatic, catastrophic and life altering.

What Are You Focusing On?

As humans I do not believe we are wired or preprogrammed to worry. I'm not sure when we pick up the "worry" trait, but it happens. And it's not when we're kids. Think about it.

Maybe you see it in your own kids. I know I see it in mine. Maybe they're doing something around the house, wrestling or running full speed MACH 2 around the living room - you know, just being completely crazy kids. Whatever it is, the ending is likely not going to be good. Think trip to the Emergency Room. As parents, it's our instinct to blurt out something to effect of…